Hey Family! How's life? It's Monday again and that's just fantastic, as always. I've watched that Brandon Flowers "I'm a Mormon" video about 35 times (just to listen to the music in the backround). And let me tell ya, I am loving it. Anyways, I guess this won't be the only boring Missionary letter you fools get this week, Mom and Dad are officially Missionaries! I bet Mom and Dad's letters will totally be more exciting and mention the NBA less, win-win situation for everybody. I guess there is a part of my brain thats constantly looking for NBA analogies in the Mission, it helps me understand things better. I feel the brothers will know what I'm talking about.
So whats been going on this week? It went by super fast, which usually means and lot of stuff went down, let's see if I can remember all of it. You guys would not believe how many conferences I have had to atttend this week. I feel like a Prime Minister. Actually I guess it's not that many, just two, Zone Conference and General Conference. Both being great because we get to sit down for so long. I remember Greg asking Mark once about what kind of things Missionaries get excited about or look forward to, and being in a somewhat air-conditioned room, sitting down for a long period of time is for sure in that list. I think the two Mark mentioned was sleeping and eating...those are for sure true as well. But besides that, I definitely learn a lot in those conferences. In Zone Conferences, President Flores usually just kinda gets mad at us for 6 hours, but he does drop some straight-up wisdom every once and again. I have never appreciated General Conference enough in my life, it's the coolest thing ever! I mean think about it, the things said in that conference is exactly what the Lord wants us to know for the next 6 months! It's really not that hard figuring this life out, you just gotta listen to the Prophet and Apostles, they'll tell you whats up. Uchtdorf as always is my main man when it comes to conference talks, he always hit the perfect chord with me. Maybe thats why there are 14 Apostles, all of them sort of apply to a different way of thinking. All of them are great of course, but I kinda can connect better with others. Not to mention, all of un American Elders watched Conference in a seperate room on a little TV, in English! So much better when you can hear their voices. Such a bummer when you hear the Prophets familiar voice, and then some random Spanish translator with a weird comes in. I definitely prefer English. I'm for sure going to get more into Conference back at home than I did before, Conference Bingo won't even be necessary Mom.
So that was the good side of this week, the bad side, I got totally sick! Every once and again. the lady who gives us food that day will just give us money to go buy something to eat. I love when this happens obviously, I will always love going out to eat when I get the chance. But anyways, we went to the classic taco stand by the Church, and I ended up eating 10 tacos and a bunch of grilled onion. Turns out some it ended up being under-cooked, and so my stomach more or less exploded for the next couple of days. So that was awful, but I'm definitely feeling better now. In fact today we did a Carne Asada at the Stake Center for the farewell of one of my best buddies in the Mish, Elder Payzant. Crazy to think it, but he's catching the plane back home next week. It's weird seeing a lot of friends starting to go home, I guess my turn really isn't all that far away. It's April already! I'll be 21 in 5 months, now thats ridiculous. Well sir, those were the highlights and the lowlights of the week. It's finally the last week of the change, my companion has been pretty terrible, I'll just tell you guys the truth. President actually came to inspect the houses out here in Zacatecas, and when after he checked ours, he told the Zone Leaders that: "Elder Garcia is a problem, we need to send him to an area where he can learn obedience and be humble, Elder Abbott has become an excellent missionary." I'm not even making it up! Maybe I'm bragging a little bit, but I was super happy to hear that. I don't mean to throw my companion under the bus so much, but I'm taking Presidents side on this one.
So how is everyone at home? Is March Madness over yet? I guess Syracuse lost, what a jip! It is so hard to pick the right team in March Madness. But man is it fun to watch when you have the chance. I heard that the Claytons are moving to Texas, what a jip! One of the greatest YL3 families to enter the Ohio Building, I'm bummed I won't be able to talk to Bish Clayton when I get back. But I bet they'll visit, right? Whats happening to Yorba Linda Third Ward? Mom and Dad gone, Claytons gone, who's next? Youngbergs?! Nope, that will never happen. Well I hope everything is great back at home, as it usually is. I love all of you, and I love the Gospel. Had I never been a Missionary I don't think I ever really would have gained that testimony, I've really had to depend on the Lord at points where there is really nobody else. The Mish has a lot of not so great things that happen, but at least I know I'll be walking out of it a better man with a stronger testimony of the Gospel that I did coming into it. So yup, thats my life, I love all of you. "Look! A Frezier Greezer! ....Moon Pies, what a time to be alive."
Elder Abbott
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