Hey everybody! So has it gotten to that point yet where everyone is totally bored of my emails? Well just wait tell you hear about what I did this this week: had some spanish class, had some meals, slept, had some solid spiritual thoughts. Just kidding, the MTC is way more exciting than that, and believe it or not, I'm not even kidding. But first things first, you guys rock! Thanks so much for all the DearElders you guys sent me today. We get to check our mail twice a day, and it's either a time of total glory, or deep sammy-like depression. I go and check it out on Monday, and bam! 12 letters from me familia. You guys are seriously the best, I can't tell you how much I really do appreciate it. Keep em' coming, they're awesome. Glad to hear everyone is doing well, and nothings really changed from back home. Thats the thing about the mission, you kinda feel like everything is going to change back at home once you leave, but it doesn't really. Lakes are still doing awesome, Greg is still spending tons of time at Abby's, (he has officially broken the record of most hours at Abby's), and I hear just as much from Mike now, as I did when I was home. Burn, Smike. You should know though, that my email username thing is menchutz. And of course on the first day I had serious stress figuring out how to email, had to run down to the front desk for literally an hour of deep searching to find out what my username was, because I forgot. Once that guy found it in like my birth certificate or something, he said "oh, here it is: men-chutz." So wonderful. New rule of thumb for you foo's, if you DearElder me, you get a personal shout out.
Miles - Alright, so you didn't DearElder me, but whatever. Isn't it your birthday, foo? Happy Birthday Miso, I have your Vote for Miles Pin in my dorm room, I'll do what I can in Mexico to rally the people behind you for next years election
Rach & Kev - Thanks guys! Especially you Rach, I love so much the idea of Holly babysitting for you guys. How could she resist Ben's boyish charm? Get on that as soon as possible por favor, especially on weekend nights. Don't let her bring a "friend" that's a boy either. You guys rock!
Brett - Love the highly detailed journals, your kids crack me up so much and I love hearing about it. Keep them comin' Bro!
Jacob - I like you too, Fish
Jackson - I'm loving my Mission buddy! I'll see what I can do about you getting Mario for Christmas, did you know that if you have an uncle on a mission, you get whatever you want for Christmas?
Mark & Heather - Great showing you two. All around, great. Truly great story about the interview Marv, let me know how it goes! I keep you in mah prayers everynight, a BYU/Business School graduate who is fluent in Chinese should simply have a job. Heather, always check your purse for spiders!
Sorry if I forgot anyone, emailin' time is serious stress mode. So many missionaries crammed into the laundry room, so hot, so little time. But anyways, enough about you, let's talk about me. That was kind of a Dr. Spatzo reference, whatever that is. Everything is going pretty great with me. I had a little bit of a fever yesterday and got to walk down to the BYU pharmacy with my companion. You have no idea how pumped we were to see like cars, and intersections, and people without tags on. Ok, I realize it's only been like two weeks, but it was unbelievable. The MTC is totally just a world of it's own. Word on the street is that Mexico Missionaries are infamous for having to stay like 14 weeks because of visa problems. So there's these couple of guys on my floor who I love who are on their 13th week of the MTC and there going to Mexico. These guys are literally going insane, it's hilarious. One in particular, Elder Calvert reminds me so much of the Old guy on Shawshank. He's been here for so long, he's so afraid to leave. Truly terrified of the outside world, so that'll be me I guess. Wonderful.
So cool story? Once a week we have something called the TRC. It stands for something, but I don't know what, but basically volunteers outside of the MTC come and pretend to be investigators for us to practice. This week we were supposed to practice door approaches in spanish, but once we got inside, switch to english and teach the first lesson. We knock on the door, and naturally we get a little Mexican lady who doesn't speak a world of english. Great. So long story short, I rocked it. I have no idea what happened, but I taught the entire first lesson about the Resturation in spanish. It was seriously the coolest thing. It's so obvious to see that Heavenly Father is playing a part in me learning Spanish. No other way I could have a half an hour long spiritual discussion in spanish any other way. When I was done, the Mexican lady, who was awesome by the way, was shocked to find out I've only been in the MTC for two weeks. So cool.
Other than that, everything is going good. I really love my district, and me and the other Elders have some serious good times everyday. No apostle at the devotional this week, but as the Holidays are comin' up, we're expecting some good speakers. By the way, how is Australia Mom & Dad?! Sounding pretty awesome from your emails, which I was able to skim through. Try your best to reinact the last scene of Lord of the Rings when you climb Mount Doom. "I may not be able to carry it, but I can carry you!" I imagine Mom being Sam. Dad - Frodo.
So hope everyone has an awesome of a Thanksgiving as Me, Mike, and Mark had at some restaurant many years ago. At least they were nice enough to get me McDonalds on the way. If only Mom & Dad left us a little more money. McDonalds was good though.
So just want everyone to know how much I love them. Mom, Dad, Mike, Randy, Greg, Kevin, Brett, Mark, Heather, Rachael, Sandy, Luke, Caleb, Eric, Oscar, Stevie, Devon, Miles, Cameron, Benjamin, Anna, Joshy, Becky, Jackson, Joseph, Jacob, Kaitlyn, Uncle Ron & Uncle Clay - I love all of you. I feel so blessed to have you in my life, and the fact I can be with you guys for eternity is the greatest knowledge I have ever recieved. Keep doing what's right, and just so you know, the Church is in everyway completely and totally true. Everything we have didn't come from a 14 year old boy, I can promise you that. This is Christ's church, foo's.
Elder Abbott
My birthday is in May, but I appreciate the thought. The ink is literally drying as I type on my first (handwritten!) letter to you, keep a sharp eye on that mailbox.