So that was definitely the highlight of the week because other than that is was kind of a slow week. I think I might sort of broke my foot actually, it has been hurting me really bad for like the past two weeks. I've been working and walking on it since, but I think there is something wrong with my foot. President told me to go get some X-Rays tomorrow, so that should be fun. Getting X-Rays in Mexico is definitely something I have never done before, everyday is an adventure out here. I'll let you guys know the status of my foot next week, so be excited for next weeks letter. So this area and Ward is really starting to grow on me. It's so much better to be in a Ward rather than a tiny branch with 10 members. Being in a Ward guarantees you'll get some quality food everyday, you can bring investigatores to activities, and the members give you people to teach! Plus, tons of members either own or work at a restaurant and they give us pretty amazing food for free everytime we pass by. That is something just wonderful as a Missionary. The whole Mission is having a big focus on getting the members work with us in the Missionary effort while I think is a really good idea. Looking back, I had tons of friends from school who would have been pretty perfect investigatores if I told the Missionaries about them. I never even really thought about it before my Mission, but I guess I never really understand just how important baptism is before my Mission either. So I guess my invitation for you guys is to invite some of your buddies to church with you. Probably a lot of your friends are already members, but invite the ones that aren't to church and let the Missionaries loose after that to teach them. Promise you you won't regret it.
So Mom and Dad are in Italy right now? That is so nuts. So let's review, ever since Tyler left on the Mish, Mom and Dad have been to both Australia and Italy! 90% of the vacations I have taken in my life have been either to Utah, or Idaho. Come on, those are probably in the top 10 most boring States in the Country. But thats okay, in all honesty I have had really good times in both of those States throughout my life. But still, I think I'd prefer going to Italy to tell you the truth. Mom and Dad deserve it though, raising 7 sons. Dad has been working hard for double my lifetime. So Mom and Dad if you get this letter in Italy, live it up and enjoy every second of it, you deserve it. Also, got the video Brett sent of Jackson, Fish, and Joseph dancing to that song on the Garfield Halloween special, so wonderful. I'm more than sure than we danced it up to that song as kids too, it's nice to see that some things never change.
So anyways, life is pretty good in Durango, Mexico despite the fact my foot is kind of dead. I hope everyone is doing super well back at home and enjoying the blessings of living the Gospel. I love how simple that is, just live the Gospel and follow the commandments best you can, and you will for sure have a very happy and fulfilling life, and you'll be with the people you love for forever. Thank goodness I went on a Mission, not sure if I would have really come to understand that otherwise. Sure the Mission is super hard, and there are for sure days when you wake up and really don't want to be a Missionary, but I know it's all going to be worth it in the end. Until then, I am just trying to do the best I can to helps out in this great work. I love all of you guys, keep the prayers of for old Unco' Ty Ty, and everyone send me pictures of all the kids' Halloween costumes. Some of the kids gotta continue the traditions and dress up as either a Ghost Buster, Indiana Jones, or Roger Wilco. And somebody should do that somewhat scary costume that Mom and Dad did when I was a kid. Me and Mom pigs, Dad, butcher. Good times. Alright, have a good one foo's.
Elder Abbott
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